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Modification of Submission Version of the WHNP
Message from the Chairman of the Steering Group
Final Draft - Message from the Chairman.

Letter from GBC Regarding Option to Amend the Boundaries of Policies WH2 & WH3


30 July 2018 to 17 September 2018


Proposal to modify the West Horsley Neighbourhood Plan

The proposed modification that is subject to consultation relates to policies WH2: Design Management within Village Settlementand WH3: Design Management within Rural Areas. The examination report raised the issue that the boundaries of these two policies do not match the proposed inset boundaries in the Submission Local Plan, which provides for a lack of clarity in assessing planning applications.


Paragraph 64 of the examination report recommends:


"I recommend that... a clear and explicit statement be made as to the way the Plan deals with the question of Green Belt/settlement insets. If the intention is, as is stated elsewhere, to achieve alignment with the Submission Local Plan, the Policies Map should be re-drawn accordingly. If, on the other hand, the WHNP is proposing to depart from the inset boundaries as shown on the Submission Local Plan, the supporting material should draw attention to the detailed differences and contain an explanation."


In consultation with West Horsley Parish Council, the Council has determined that the appropriate response to the recommendation is to modify the Policies Map in order to align the boundaries of policies WH2 and WH3 with the proposed Green Belt boundaries as set out in the Submission Local Plan. This changes the areas where policies WH2 and WH3 (modified as per the examiner's recommendations) would be applied. The Council has determined that this modification will ensure policies WH2 and WH3 are effective and result in more clarity during planning decisions than would be achieved by retaining the current boundaries.


This modification represents a substantial material change to the plan so further consultation is considered necessary.



The proposed modified Policies Map and other supporting documents can be found below under ‘Documents’.

This consultation is limited only to the proposed modification to align the boundaries of Policies WH2 and WH3 to the proposed Green Belt boundaries as set out in the Submission Local Plan. The proposed new boundaries for policies WH2 and WH3 are shown in relation to the Green Belt boundaries on the 'WH2/WH3 and Inset Boundaries Map' below. The Council is not inviting comments on any other parts of the neighbourhood plan.


Policies WH2 and WH3 are provided below for information. These versions of the policies have been modified in accordance with the recommendations made by the examiner and represent the versions that will be taken to referendum.

The consultation runs from 30 July 2018 to 17 September 2018. Representations made during this period will help to inform the Council’s approach in response to the examiner’s recommendation at paragraph 64 of his report.


Paper copies of the consultation documents will be available during the consultation period at the following locations:

 - Guildford Borough Council offices, Millmead House, Millmead, Guildford, Surrey GU2 4BB

 - Guildford Library, 77 North St, Guildford GU1 4AL

 - Horsley Library, Parade Court, Ockham Rd S, East Horsley, Leatherhead KT24 6QR


Any representation made may include a request to be notified of the decision made on the proposal by Guildford Borough Council following the consultation.

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