ensuring our village retains its character whilst continuing to meet the needs of our community
WHNP Adopted by Guildford Borough Council
The Council designated the West Horsley Neighbourhood Area on 8 September 2014 following an application by West Horsley Parish Council and a six week consultation. The West Horsley Neighbourhood Area follows the boundary of West Horsley parish. No other neighbourhood area may now be designated within this area.
Neighbourhood planning in West Horsley parish is led by West Horsley Parish Council. Anyone who lives, works, has a business or is an elected member within the neighbourhood area is entitled to get involved to help produce a neighbourhood plan or a neighbourhood development order for the neighbourhood area.
Neighbourhood planning is a voluntary activity and there is no requirement for residents or businesses to be involved. Residents in the West Horsley Neighbourhood Area who are usually eligible to vote there will be asked to approve any neighbourhood planning measures through a referendum, so residents who are not involved in the planning process will still be able to have a say over the planning policies or development orders that are brought into force.
Neighbourhood Plan Draft Emerging Plan and Design Statement
The Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group has taken the results of the recent NP survey and used this information to produce the NP draft emerging plan and design statement, which is attached below:
Further information
If you wish to know more about neighbourhood planning in West Horsley and cannot find the answers on the Council's website, please contact the Council's Planning Policy Team at planningpolicy@guildford.gov.uk or telephone 01483 444471.